Scientific journal

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2016, Volume 1 – Whole issue



Regional Natural History Museum – Plovdiv (In Bulgarian)
Ognyan B. Tododrov, pp. vii-xiv
Article bnhmp-16001 [Full text – PDF]

Research Articles

The Herpetological Collection of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Conservation, Faculty of Biology, University of Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Ivelin A. Mollov, pp. 1-10
Article bnhmp-16101 [Full text – PDF]

The Ichthyological Collection of the Regional Natural History Museum – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Kristiyan B. Vladov, pp. 11-22
Article bnhmp-16102 [Full text – PDF]

Short notes
The Cave Bear (Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller, 1794) at the Exposition of Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
Stefan S. Kyurkchiev, Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 23-24
Article bnhmp-16201 [Full text – PDF]

Marine Molluscs (Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda) around the Amouliani Island,
Chalkidiki (Greece)
Dilian G. Georgiev, Ognyan B. Todorov, pp. 25-29
Article bnhmp-16202 [Full text – PDF]

New Records of Aphidiinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) at Chervenata Stena Reserve (Bulgaria)
Ognyan B. Todorov, Nadya Y. Ivanova, pp. 31-34
Article bnhmp-16203 [Full text – PDF]

New Localities of Sympetrum pedemontanum (Insecta: Odonata) in Bulgaria
Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 35-36
Article bnhmp-16204 [Full text – PDF]

Book reviews and Anniversaries

First Book about the Biodiversity of Vrachanska Planina Mts. (In Bulgarian)
Zlatozar Boev, pp. 37-38
Article bnhmp-16401 [Full text – PDF]

Professor Dimitar Bechev at Sixty Years of Age (In Bulgarian)
Ivelin A. Mollov, Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 39-40
Article bnhmp-16402 [Full text – PDF]

Associate Professor Vasil Tomov at Eighty Years of Age (In Bulgarian)
Dimitar N. Bechev, p. 41
Article bnhmp-403 [Full text – PDF]

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2017, Volume 2 – Whole issue



The Paleontological Collection of the Regional Natural History Museum – Plovdiv (In Bulgarian)
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. vii-xi
Article bnhmp-17001 [Full text – PDF]

Research Articles

Fossil records of Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotoidea Gray, 1821), Chalicotheres (Chalicotherioidea Gill, 1872) and Brontotheres (Brontotherioidea (Marsh, 1873) (Peryssodactyla Owen, 1848 – Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758) in Bulgaria
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 1-7
Article bnhmp-17101 [Full text – PDF]

Bone Remains of the Late Antiquity – Early Medieval Deposits of the National Academy of Art (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 9-11
Article bnhmp-17102 [Full text – PDF]

Aphid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Aphidiinae) of the Agro- ecosystems at the Experimental Fields of Plovdiv City
Ognyan B. Todorov, pp. 13-15
Article bnhmp-17103 [Full text – PDF]

Cacyreus marshalli (Butler, 1898) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) Confirmed for the Republic of Macedonia
Nikola Micevski, Branko Micevski, pp. 17-20
Article bnhmp-17104 [Full text – PDF]

Current Status, Distribution and Habitat of the Threatened Species Myricaria germanica (Tamaricaceae) in Bulgaria
Yulian Marinov, Dimitar Dimitrov, Chavdar Gussev, Kalina Pachedjieva, pp. 21-28
Article bnhmp-17105 [Full text – PDF]

Short notes

Two Species from the genus Liposcelis Motschulsky, 1852 – New to the Fauna of Bulgaria Found in the Building of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv (Insecta: Psocoptera)
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 29-30
Article bnhmp-17201 [Full text – PDF]

Reports of Caecilius fuscopterus (Latreille, 1799) and Lachesilla quercus (Kolbe, 1880) in Bulgaria with some Additional Barkfly Records (Insecta: Psocoptera)
Dilian G. Georgiev, Ognyan B. Todorov, pp. 31-32
Article bnhmp-17202 [Full text – PDF]

Book reviews and Anniversaries

Professor Yanko Kolarov at Seventy Years of Age (In Bulgarian)
Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 33
Article bnhmp-17401 [Full text – PDF]

Professor Pavel Angelov at Eighty Five Years of Age (In Bulgarian)
Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 35-36
Article bnhmp-17401 [Full text – PDF]

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2018, Volume 3 – Whole issue


Research Articles

Bulgarian Names of Domestic Animals in the Balkan Peninsula and Their Correspondences in the Scientific Literature
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 1-5
Article bnhmp-18101 [Full text – PDF]

Subfossil Fauna from “Forum Serdica” (Sofia City, Bulgaria) of Antiquity (2nd – 4th century AD) and Ottoman Epoch (15th –18th century AD) (Excavations 2017)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 7-13
Article bnhmp-18102 [Full text – PDF]

New Palaeobotanical Data From The Satovcha Graben (Southwest Bulgaria)
Vladimir S. Bozukov, Ognyan B. Todorov, Daniela S. Georgieva, pp. 15-26
Article bnhmp-18103 [Full text – PDF]

New Information on the Psocoptera fauna of the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast
Dilian G. Georgiev, Ognyan B. Todorov, pp. 27-31
Article bnhmp-18104 [Full text – PDF]

New Materials on the Bulgarian Flora (In Bulgarian)
Iliq Cheshmedzhiev, Yulian Marinov, pp. 33-37
Article bnhmp-18105 [Full text – PDF]

Short notes

Psocoptera Records from Caves of Bulgaria
Dilian G. Georgiev, Veselina I. Ivanova, pp. 39-40
Article bnhmp-18201 [Full text – PDF]

First record of Aspius aspius Linnaeus, 1758 (Pisces: Cyprinidae) for the Sazliyka River’s Ichthyofauna
Zhivko M. Zhelev, Mladen V. Angelov, pp. 41-44
Article bnhmp-18202 [Full text – PDF]


Boyan Petrov – In Memoriam (In Bulgarian)
Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 45
Article bnhmp-18401 [Full text – PDF]

Andon Darakchiev (1934–2018) – In Memoriam (In Bulgarian)
Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 47
Article bnhmp-18402 [Full text – PDF]

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv

Faunistic diversity of the city of Plovdiv (Bulgaria),
Volume 1 – Invertebrates

Editors: Ivelin A. Mollov, Dilian G. Georgiev, Ognyan B. Todorov

Online ISBN: 978-619-202-462-8
Print ISBN: 978-619-202-461-1
For this issue only

2018, Supplement 1 – Whole issue


Review of species of the phylum Acanthocephala recorded from the Region of Plovdiv City
Zlatka M. Dimitrova, Margarita H. Marinova, pp. 1-6
Article bnhmp-S101 [Full text – PDF]

Zooplankton in Plovdiv Area, Now and a Quarter Century Ago
Doychin I. Terziyski, Dzhordzh K. Grozev, pp. 7-12
Article bnhmp-S102 [Full text – PDF]

Myriapoda (Chilopoda and Diplopoda) of the City of Plovdiv
Boyan L. Vagalinski, Pavel E. Stoev, Plamen G. Mitov, pp. 15-26
Article bnhmp-S103 [Full text – PDF]

Terrestrial Gastropods (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in the City of Plovdiv
Atanas A. Irikov, pp. 19-28
Article bnhmp-S104 [Full text – PDF]

The Freshwater Molluscs of the City of Plovdiv
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 29-30
Article bnhmp-S105 [Full text – PDF]

Urban Тardigrades from Plovdiv City and Some Ecological Remarks
Maria L. Yankova, Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 31-36
Article bnhmp-S106 [Full text – PDF]

Species Composition, Distribution and Seasonal Dynamics of Ixodidae Ticks Invaded Pasture Animals in Plovdiv Region
Atanas Arnaudov, Dimo Arnaudov, pp. 37-46
Article bnhmp-S107 [Full text – PDF]

Psocoptera Records in the City of Plovdiv
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 47-48
Article bnhmp-S108 [Full text – PDF]

The Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the City of Plovdiv (In Bulgarian)
Tancho Agushev, pp. 49-55
Article bnhmp-S109 [Full text – PDF]

The Chalcid wasp fauna (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eurytomidae, Eupelmidae, Ormyridae and Torymidae) of the City of Plovdiv
Anelia M. Stojanova, Miroslav I. Antov, pp. 57-68
Article bnhmp-S110 [Full text – PDF]

Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (Insecta) from Water Bodies in the Region of Plovdiv City
Yanka N. Vidinova, Vesela V. Evtimova, Violeta G. Tyufekchieva, pp. 69-79
Article bnhmp-S111 [Full text – PDF]

Checklists of Insects of the City of Plovdiv. Part 1: “Otdih i kultura” Park
Desislava N. Arnaudova, Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 81-93
Article bnhmp-S112 [Full text – PDF]

The Freshwater Crab Potamon ibericum (Crustacea: Decapoda: Potamidae) in the Maritsa River in Plovdiv City
Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 95-96
Article bnhmp-S113 [Full text – PDF]

Selected Aquatic Invertebrate Animal Groups in the City of Plovdiv, Reported in “Fauna of Thrakia”
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 97-101
Article bnhmp-S114 [Full text – PDF]

Ecological Properties of Epigeal Invertebrate Communities in Green Areas in the City of Plovdiv. Part 1 – Urban City Parks
Ivelin Mollov, Peter Boyadzhiev, Bozhana Bozhinova, pp. 103-119
Article bnhmp-S115 [Full text – PDF]

Ecological Properties of Epigeal Invertebrate Communities in Green Areas in the City of Plovdiv. Part 2 – The Hills of Plovdiv
Ivelin Mollov, Peter Boyadzhiev, Mina Dincheva, pp. 121-137
Article bnhmp-S116 [Full text – PDF]

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2019, Volume 4 – Whole issue



The National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – 60 years since the management of the Corr. member of BAS Prof. Dr. Georgi Paspalev and the problem for the Museum’s survival (1959-1965) (In Bulgarian)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. vii-xvii
Article bnhmp-19001 [Full text – PDF]

The National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences – analysis of the current state, problems and development guidelines (An inside view) (In Bulgarian)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. xix-xxxiii
Article bnhmp-19002 [Full text – PDF]

Research Articles

Late Antiquity (3-5 century A.D.) Fauna from Building Excavations on Exarch Joseph Street (Sofia City, Bulgaria)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 1-8
Article bnhmp-19101 [Full text – PDF]

Eulophidae and Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) from the Rhodope Mts. – Recent Knowledge, Gaps and Perspectives, with Some New Records for the Bulgarian Fauna
Ivaylo Todorov, Peter Boyadzhiev, pp. 9-14
Article bnhmp-19102 [Full text – PDF]

New records of Adscita obscura (Zeller, 1847) (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae, Procridinae) on the Balkan Peninsula
Ana Nahirnić, Stoyan Beshkov, Dimitar Kaynarov, pp. 15-19
Article bnhmp-19103 [Full text – PDF]

Late Pleistocene avifauna of Nanin Kamak Cave (CN Bulgaria)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 21-25
Article bnhmp-19104 [Full text – PDF]

Fossil record of the Irish Elk (Megaloceros giganteus (Blumenbach, 1799)) (Artiodactyla: Cervidae) in Bulgaria
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 27-31
Article bnhmp-19105 [Full text – PDF]


Second Book about the Biodiversity of Vrachanska Planina Mts. (In Bulgarian)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 33
Article bnhmp-19401 [Full text – PDF]

Professor Angel Zaykov at Seventy Years of Age (In Bulgarian)
Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 35-36
Article bnhmp-19402 [Full text – PDF]

Vladimir Beshkov (1935-2019) – In Memoriam (In Bulgarian)
Ivelin A. Mollov, pp. 37-39
Article bnhmp-19403 [Full text – PDF]

Reviewers for volume 4, 2019

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2020, Volume 5 – Whole issue


Research Articles

Late Pleistocene Avifauna of the Pešturina Cave (Nišava District, SE Serbia) and its Implications for Late Pleistocene Refugia in the Central Balkans
Zlatozar N. Boev, Stefan Milošević, pp. 1-14
Article bnhmp-20101 [Full text – PDF]

New Data on the Fauna of the Late Antiquity Northern Fortification Walls of Serdica (3rd-6th century A.D.) from Building Excavations on Exarch Joseph Street (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 15-23
Article bnhmp-20102 [Full text – PDF]

A Little Dabbling Duck (Anatini Vigors, 1825 – Anseriformes Wagler, 1831) from the Late Miocene of Kremikovtsi (Bulgaria)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 25-31
Article bnhmp-20103 [Full text – PDF]

A New Middle Miocene Starling (Sturnidae Rafinesque, 1815) from Kardam (NE Bulgaria)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 33-41
Article bnhmp-20104 [Full text – PDF]

Avian Remains from the Thracian Trade Settlement Pistiros (5–2 c. BC) near Vetren, Pazardzhik Province (SC Bulgaria)
Zlatozar N. Boev, Sue Stallibrass, pp. 43-47
Article bnhmp-20105 [Full text – PDF]

Short notes

Odontomyia annulata (Diptera, Stratiomyidae), New Record for the Fauna of Greece
Sotiris Alexiou, pp. 49-50
Article bnhmp-20201 [Full text – PDF]


Corrigendum, Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 51-52 (In Bulgarian)
Article bnhmp-19002_Corrigendum [Full text – PDF]

Reviewers for volume 5, 2020

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2021, Volume 6 – Whole issue


Research Articles

Data on the Study of Bird Distribution in Bulgaria in the Last 45 Years (1976-2020)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 1-45
Article bnhmp-21101 [Full text – PDF]

The First Record of Insect Species from Wetland Ziban Habitat, Biskra (Algeria)
Nacima Deghiche-Diab, Lahcen Deghiche, Youcef Islem Belhamra, pp. 47-50
Article bnhmp-21102 [Full text – PDF]

An Early Pleistocene magpie (Pica praepica sp. n.) (Corvidae Leach, 1820) from Bulgaria
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 51-59
Article bnhmp-21103 [Full text – PDF]

First Record of an Invasive Clown Beetle Species, Platylomalus gardineri (Scott, 1913) (Coleoptera, Histeridae) from Greece
George Kakiopoulos, Jakovos Demetriou, pp. 61-64
Article bnhmp-21104 [Full text – PDF]

Short notes

Nest Site Interference Competition between House Sparrow Couples for Breeding
Veerá Mahesh, Lanka Suseela, pp. 65-68
Article bnhmp-21201 [Full text – PDF]

Notes on the Terrestrial Snails from Smolyan Town (Western Rhodopes, Bulgaria)
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 69-71
Article bnhmp-21202 [Full text – PDF]

Reviewers for volume 6, 2021

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv

Faunistic diversity of the city of Plovdiv (Bulgaria),
Volume 2 – Vertebrates & Invertebrates

Editors: Ivelin A. Mollov, Dilian G. Georgiev, Ognyan B. Todorov

2022, Supplement 2 – Whole issue


The Fish Species (Pisces) in the City of Plovdiv – A Review
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 1-2
Article bnhmp-S201 [Full text – PDF]

Amphibians and Reptiles in the City of Plovdiv and Comparison with other Bulgarian Cities
Ivelin A. Mollov, pp. 3-7
Article bnhmp-S202 [Full text – PDF]

A Checklist of the Birds of Plovdiv Municipality
Georgi P. Gerdzhikov, Dobromir D. Dobrev, Polina D. Hristova, Vladimir D. Dobrev, Dimitar G. Plachiyski, Kalin V. Velev, pp. 9-26
Article bnhmp-S203 [Full text – PDF]

Mammals in the City of Plovdiv
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 27-29
Article bnhmp-S204 [Full text – PDF]

Research and Conservation of Bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in the Plovdiv City Urban Area: Current State and Future Perspectives
Stanimira R. Deleva, Aneliya S. Pavlova, pp. 31-40
Article bnhmp-S205 [Full text – PDF]

Species Composition and Distribution of the Vertebrates at Maritsa River in the City of Plovdiv
Alexander E. Petrov, Ivelin A. Mollov, pp. 41-57
Article bnhmp-S206 [Full text – PDF]

Additions to the Check List of the Terrestrial Snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda) of Plovdiv City
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 59-60
Article bnhmp-S207 [Full text – PDF]

Odonata of the City of Plovdiv and its Surroundings
Dimitar A. Dimitrov, Dimitar N. Bechev, pp. 61-63
Article bnhmp-S208 [Full text – PDF]

Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Found in the City and Surroundings of Plovdiv (Central Bulgaria)
Teodora M. Teofilova, pp. 65-81
Article bnhmp-S209 [Full text – PDF]

Review of the Spiders, Pseudoscorpions and Scorpions in the Region of Plovdiv, S Bulgaria (Arachnida: Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones & Scorpiones)
Maria Naumova, Vasil Genchev, pp. 83-110
Article bnhmp-S210 [Full text – PDF]

First Records of Eyprepocnemis plorans (Charpentier, 1825) in Bulgaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Maria Naumova, Vasil Genchev, pp. 111-116
Article bnhmp-S211 [Full text – PDF]

Ecological Properties of Epigeal Invertebrate Communities in Green Areas in the City of Plovdiv. Part 3 – Lauta Park
Miroslav I. Antov, Ivan D. Delev, Svetlozara B. Kazandzhieva, Ivelin A. Mollov, pp. 117-120
Article bnhmp-S212 [Full text – PDF]

Ecological Properties of Epigeal Invertebrate Communities in Green Areas in the City of Plovdiv. Part 4 – Maritsa River
Ivelin A. Mollov, Ivan D. Delev, Peter S. Boyadzhiev, Venelina L. Filipovska, pp. 121-127
Article bnhmp-S213 [Full text – PDF]

A Study on the Mesogeobiont Communities in a Heavy Metals Polluted Area near the City of Plovdiv
Slavka N. Tomova, Dilian G. Georgiev, Ivelin A. Mollov, pp. 129-133
Article bnhmp-S214 [Full text – PDF]

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2022, Volume 7 – Whole issue


Research articles

Animal remains of the Late Antique fortified site (4th -6th century AD) near Shipot village (Vidin Region, NW Bulgaria)
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 5-11
Article bnhmp-21101 [Full text – PDF]

Alpine ibex (Capra ibex Linnaeus, 1758) in Bulgaria – Fossil Records, Distribution and Extinction
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 13-20
Article bnhmp-21102 [Full text – PDF]

First Preliminary Records of Odonata Fauna in Malinao Volcano, Luzon Island, Philippines
Ace Kevin S. Amarga, Wei Ann Jane A. Mercado, pp. 21-25
Article bnhmp-21103 [Full text – PDF]

Past Distribution of the Red Deer (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus, 1758) (Cervidae, Mammalia) in Bulgaria
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 27-48
Article bnhmp-21104 [Full text – PDF]

Short notes

On Some Non-marine Snails Recorded in South Coastal Kenya
Dilian G. Georgiev, pp. 49-53
Article bnhmp-21201 [Full text – PDF]


The National Museum of Natural History at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences under the direction of Dr. Neno Atanasov (1947-1962) – 15 post-war years of lasting growth
Zlatozar N. Boev, Online First
Article bnhmp-22401 [Full text – PDF]

Reviewers for vol. 7, 2022

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv

History of the Bulgarian Ornithology (A Review of the Research Fields and Achievements for 277 Years with Selected Bibliography)

Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 1-55[Full text – PDF]

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2023, Volume 8 – Whole issue


Research articles

The Leopard Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Bulgaria.
A Review of the Paleontological Record and Archaeological Finds
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 1-14
Article bnhmp-23101 [Full text – PDF]

The Woolly Mammoth Mammuthus primigenius (Blumenbach, 1799)
(Elephantidae Gray, 1821) in the Pleistocene in Bulgaria – A Review
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 15-23
Article bnhmp-23102 [Full text – PDF]

Past and Present Distribution of the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus Pallas, 1811)
(Phoenicopteridae Bonaparte, 1831) in Bulgaria
Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 25-35
Article bnhmp-23103 [Full text – PDF]

Short notes

First record of the flying fox mite Meristaspis calcarata (Hirst) on Ursula Island, Philippines (Dermanyssoidea: Spinturnicidae)
Ace Kevin S. Amarga, pp. 37-41 Article bnhmp-23201 [Full text – PDF]

Firs Report of Euphaea refulgens Hagen in Selys, 1853 (Odonata:
Euphaeidae) on Mayon Volcano Natural Park, with Some Records
from Luzon and Mindoro Islands, the Philippines
Ace Kevin S. Amarga, Wei Ann Jane A. Mercado, pp. 43-48
Article bnhmp-23202 [Full text – PDF]

Co-occurance of Amblyomma cordiferum Neumann and Amblyomma
helvolum Koch (Ixodida: Ixodidae) on Elaphe carinata (Günther)
(Squamata: Colubridae) from Orchid Islands, Taiwan
Ace Kevin S. Amarga, Richard G. Robbins, pp. 49-54
Article bnhmp-23203 [Full text – PDF]


Professor Emeritus Pavel Angelov, DSc at 90 years of age (In Bulgarian)
Dimitar N. Bechev, Online First
Article bnhmp-23401 [Full text – PDF]

Petar Shurulinkov (1975-2023) – A Promising Bulgarian Ornithologist, Suddenly Stopped by Fate. A Biobibliography
Zlatozar N. Boev
Article bnhmp-23402 [Full text – PDF]

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tseno Petrov and the Modern Bulgarian Ornithology –
A bio-bibliography of an Honored Bulgarian Ornithologist on Occasion of his 80th Anniversary
Dimitar A. Demerdzhiev, Zlatozar N. Boev
Article bnhmp-23403 [Full text – PDF]

Reviewers for vol. 8, 2023

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv

Преглед на род Macedonica O. Boettger 1877 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Clausiliidae) на Балканския полу остров (Резюме на български с английски)

Атанас А. Ириков, стр. 1-75[Пълен текст – PDF]

Рецензенти: Здравко Хубенов, Петър Бояджиев, Диан Георгиев

International Standard Serial Number
Online ISSN 2534-9635; Print ISSN 2534-9627

Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv
2024, Volume 9 – Whole issue (Coming in December 2024)


Research articles

Avifauna of the Sandanski-Petrich Valley (Blagoevgrad Region, SW
Bulgaria) after data from the Rupite Ornithological Station (1976-1978)
Eberhard H. Undzhiyan, Dimitar N. Nankinov ✝, Andon I. Darakchiev ✝,
Tseno H. Petrov, Apostol M. Apostolov, Zlatozar N. Boev, pp. 1-38
Article bnhmp-24102 [Full text – PDF]


Dr. Petar Iankov – a talented and dedicated researcher and conservator
of birds in Bulgaria. Biobibliography on the occasion of his 70th anniversary
Zlatozar N. Boev, Online First
Article bnhmp-24401 [Full text – PDF]


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